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Activities for 5th Graders

Safety Patrol

Brentwood Safety Patrol is for 5th graders who demonstrate the Life Skills and are willing to donate time at the start or end of the school day to help keep younger students safe during the high-traffic times at Brentwood.  Applications go out to interested 5th graders at beginning of the school year. 

Interested students submit a complete application, are chosen and trained, and then work from September through June.

Film Kids

Participating 5th grade students spend two mornings each week collecting information about school events and producing a 5-7 minute news program (The Weekly Scoop) seen once a week by the whole campus!  They act, run cameras, and direct each other's performances while interacting with staff and students.

Facilitated by Film Kids instructors and a faculty liaison, this project provides a social and cultural service to the school community, as well as teaching broadcast journalism techniques.

The Weekly Scoop can be viewed here!

Middle School Information

You and your student have several AISD middle school choices, as detailed below:

  1. Attend the neighborhood middle school you are zoned for by registering your student during the annual registration window.
  2. Apply for a transfer to another AISD school.
  3. Apply to a magnet school or academy program based on your student’s interests (see below).
Magnet Programs

Kealing Advanced Academic Magnet Program

Lively Humanities and Law Magnet for International Studies


Lamar Fine Art Academy (FAA)

Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders

Bertha Sadler Means Young Women’s Leadership & Media, Visual, Performing Arts Academy

Gus Garcia Young Men’s Leadership Academy

How to apply for magnet & academy programs:
  • Complete the AISD Common Application in the AISD Portal (application opens in October).
  • NOTE: This application will ask for 3 teacher letters of recommendation.
  • Complete required supplemental application for each magnet or academy program your student is applying to.

Please note that we will update this page with the middle school application schedules and deadlines as soon as they become available!

Middle School FAQ