Brentwood families,
We hope to see y'all at Picnic on the Playground this Wednesday, September 20, 5:30-7:30 p.m. on the school playground for some community connection and dinnertime fun. It's forecasted to be the warmest day all week, but will still be a solid 10 degrees lower than the past few months!
Please consider treating your family to dinner (or dessert) at one of these tasty food truck options: Mixt Caribbean Blends, Crave Hot Dogs and BBQ, Crepe Crazy, and DonutNV. They'll be lined up near the basketball court. Austin Youth Fitness will provide fun for all ages with an obstacle course and field games!
We are also collecting donations for Storybook Parade during Picnic on the Playground! Has your child outgrown a previous year’s outfit for Storybook Parade? Consider donating it to help all students who want to dress up have the opportunity. Drop off bagged and labeled costumes (e.g., small Dogman) at the PTA table during Picnic on the Playground, and they will be distributed ahead of Storybook Parade next month (late October).
Speaking of Storybook Parade...pre-K through 2nd graders still will participate in this year's parade, and 3rd-5th graders are newly invited to dress up while cheering on the younger grades! More information to come soon.
School events and important dates:
Subscribe to our new Brentwood Elementary Google Calendar to stay up-to-date on upcoming school events, holidays, and PTA activities: http://bit.ly/Bulldog-calendar.
Brentwood's Gifted and Talented Advocate, Assistant Principal Dymkowski, will be hosting an information session on September 19th from 5-6 p.m. in the Community Room at Brentwood Elementary for any families interested in the referral process, who do not already have a student in Gifted and Talented. The session is for grades K-5. Learn more at bit.ly/AISDGTINFO
Save the Date for a student holiday as well as parent-teacher conferences on Monday, September 25th!
Math Pentathlon (After-School Club)
Calling all problem-solvers! Math Pentathlon is back for 2nd-5th graders, and we hope you'll join.
Math Pentathlon is an engaging and fun after-school club that meets for one hour every other week. This national program includes interactive problem-solving games and activities, incorporating math principles into challenging and age-appropriate board games designed to enhance problem solving, computational, geometric/spatial, and logical reasoning skills. Math Pentathlon also gives students the opportunity to practice teamwork, being a good sport, sharing ideas, and their communication skills. https://www.mathpentath.org/what-is-mp/
This volunteer-run program needs you! Math Pentathlon provides brief training videos for all volunteers, and curriculum and games are provided -- absolutely no experience is required. If you are interested in joining the fun, please submit this interest form by 9/22 so we can get going in October.
Calling All Creators! PTA Reflections Contest
Brentwood PTA is participating in Reflections, a National PTA arts program and the theme this year is “I am hopeful because...” We would love to know what makes our students hopeful! This year we will accept entries in 4 categories: photography, visual arts, literature, and film production.
Students can pick up an entry form from the community room or their art teachers, or download the entry form here. Click here for the rules and guidelines from the Texas PTA website. A PTA membership is required for participation.
Program timeline includes:
- October 28th: initial entries due to Brentwood PTA – WITH A COMPLETED ENTRY FORM, and student’s name on the art – 1 of 3 ways:
1. Drop off in the Reflections box in the community room
2. Turn in to art teachers
3. Submit via email to hello@brentwoodpta.com, subject line “Reflections entry” - November 13-17: volunteer judges grade final entries using rubric provided by national PTA
- November 29: winners per category are announced.
- November 30th: top Brentwood entries per category advance to the Austin Council of PTAs, then to Texas PTA in January
Questions? Contact Meredith Boam - meredithboam@gmail.com or Kelli Knight - khk02b@gmail.com
The arts – and the National PTA Reflections program – support student success and serve as a valuable tool for building strong partnerships in our school community. Reflections is designed to help students personally connect to artistic expression, with support and mentorship from the community. Judging follows a formula from National PTA, with emphasis on expression and articulation of the theme – I am hopeful because – over skill with a medium.
Call for Volunteers:
If you are interested in being a volunteer, please submit a volunteer interest survey and tell us about your talents and interests! All volunteers will need to register with Austin Partners In Education to undergo a background check.
We need tie-dye event helpers! Interested in helping during your child’s class tie-dye event? Use this link (https://bit.ly/m/tiedye) and select ‘volunteer to be a helper.’
Are you a musician who would like to play for our bulldogs during Music in the Mornings the first two weeks of October, or do you know of a musician who would like to play? Sign up to volunteer here: https://signup.com/go/WxJFNMV
Brentwood Special Areas Teachers & Staff Wishlists
Our amazing special areas teachers and staff could use your help collecting supplies for their classrooms and activities. Most of you have received information about your homeroom teacher’s needs during Back-to-School night or Meet the Teacher. The PTA is hosting wishlists on our website for teachers who support students in special education, music, art, PE, school administration, and more.
Community Events
Advocacy events with the Austin Council of PTAs (ACPTA):
- Saturday, Sept. 23, 8 a.m., corner of 7th and San Jacinto: Join us with friendly signs for our first ever Signs and Smiles event. Bring a handheld sign focused on funding/vouchers or anything else important to you. We will not be chanting or making a fuss, we'll smile and walk our signs through the TribFest event on Congress Ave. You will need to register for the Open Congress event to join us (it's free).
- Saturday, Sept. 23, 9:15 a.m., LoneStar Tent, Congress Ave.: "The War over School Choice" is a panel discussion featuring folks from the latest Pub Ed committee who will be talking about the challenges of beating back vouchers in our state and preview the upcoming special session. You must be registered for the Open Congress event to join us (it's free).
Girl Scout Troop 42625 is collecting donations for Austin Pets Alive! Please consider donating the following supplies at the drop-off location in the Community Room on campus: Towels, blankets, flat sheets, washable pet beds (no holes/tears), crates and carriers of all sizes, pet or human medications (in the original packaging), 5-ft or 6-ft flat leashes, Martingale collars, any unopened dog or cat food (dry kibble or canned, prescription food included), opened bags of food and treats (as long as in original packaging), computers that can run Windows 10 and have at least 6 GB RAM, pet clothes (coats, costumes, or bandanas),
Northwest Austin Youth Basketball Association is a recreational league for kids in 1st-12th grades who want to have fun learning and playing basketball. Brentwood kids can choose between co-ed or girls-only teams for Rookies (1st-2nd grade), Juniors (3rd-4th grade) and Seniors (5th-6th grade). No experience necessary, all are welcome! Registration is open at www.nwayba.org. Questions? Contact Sara Glakas (saraglakas@gmail.com) or Jason Nichols (mr.jason.nichols@gmail.com).
McCallum Orchestra and The EggMen perform together on Tuesday, October 3rd, in a magical performance, "The Beatles Classically" at 6:30 p.m., AISD Performing Arts Center, 1500 Barbara Jordan Blvd 78723. To purchase tickets visit: bit.ly/MCCEGG23. Event proceeds directly support McCallum Orchestra's music education program.
Do you wish you could get your child to cooperate, stop arguing, and calm down!? There’s a TON of science about how brains work that can help you feel confident and effective in dealing with difficult behavior. In the “Arc of the Tantrum” class, therapist and parenting coach Katie Malinksi, LCSW-S, helps parents apply current information and research about brains and behavior to everyday difficult parenting moments. It's held online, and every session is recorded, so if you miss one you can still get all the information! Learn more and register here: https://parenthoodunderstood.com/store/arc-of-the-tantrum-parenting-class/
After-care Programs & Groups:
Sharing quick links for after-school programs for the coming school year.
- Extend-a-Care by YMCA - (5 day per week, on campus after care) learn more and register: https://www.austinymca.org/locations/extend-a-care/
- Mindfulness Club with Coach Hollander - (5 day per week, on campus after care) learn more and register: https://form.jotform.com/91297860521158
- Wonder Years Preschool - aftercare pick-up at Brentwood - learn more at http://wonderyearsprek.com
- ATX Ballers - (Tuesdays 3:15-4:15 p.m.) register at https://www.atxballers.com/register
- ATX Kids Club - School Holiday Adventures for ages 4-12 to explore the Central Texas Region. Hours are 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (9/25: Warren Wildlife, 10/9: Crowes Nest, 11/13: Camp Mabry, 11/20-22: Thanksgiving Break camp, 12/18-22 & 27-29: Winter Break camp) Learn more and register at atxkidsclub.org
- Chess Wizards - (Mondays 3:15-4:15 p.m.) learn more and register: www.chesswizards.com!
- Coding with Kids - (Starting September 20 - Wednesdays 3:15-4:15 p.m. for K-2nd; and starting September 21 - Thursdays 3:15-4:15 p.m. for 3rd-5th)
- Cooking & Baking Classes - (Fridays 3:15-4:15 p.m.; 1st-5th grade, two month-long sessions) learn more and register: https://cooklearngrow.com/austin-classes/
- Film Kids - (Thursdays 3:00 to 4:45 p.m.; 4th and 5th grade only) September 7th through December 14th. Call 512-567-0778 or e-mail Brian Cox at filmkids@filmkids.org with questions. Go to www.filmkids.org to register and see us in action!
- Ninja Nation: Ninja drop-off after school program (M-F 3:30-5:30 p.m.) https://www.austin.ninjanation.com/afterschool
- iPiano - 60-minute program where students can learn to play the piano. Wednesdays starting September 27. To learn more visit https://ipianolab.com
- Young Rembrandts: Drawing Classes for Kids - 1st - 5th grades (Wednesdays, Sept. 20 - Nov. 15, 3:20 - 4:20 p.m.) Register here.
- Austin Youth Fitness is excited to continue running club and introduce a biking club at Brentwood! AYF has been making “fitness fun” for Austin kids and their families since 2009. Their play-based running, biking, and yoga programs help kids develop strong bodies, minds, and spirits. Teachers get a 50% discount!
Thank you to our sponsors!
Leader of the Pack Donors
Call for Entries
Have a program, event, or volunteer need that you want published in the Bulldog Bark, PTA website or social channels? Email communications@brentwoodpta.com!