Hello, Brentwood families!
This is our last Bulldog Bark before Winter Break. We have just a few quick notes and reminders for you before the holiday.
If you’re looking for a way to get involved next year, help plan Brentwood After Dark 2024. Brentwood PTA's annual adults-only night out and fundraiser will be in the spring, and we'd love some assistance in bringing this fun event to life. Please email hello@brentwoodpta.com if you are interested in showcasing your talents on any of the following teams:
- Event planning — design, venue, food, drink, entertainment, childcare
- Event management — coordination of vendors, goods and materials, ticket sales
- Sponsorship — silent auction donations, live auction items, raffle and title sponsorship
Science Fair Registration Closing Soon!
Your budding scientist can design, create, and explore all kinds of cool projects at the Brentwood Science Fair! The fair, open to all students in pre-K through 5th grade, will be held on Thursday, January 18 and Friday, January 19, 2024.
Please sign up by December 19 so that the science fair team can plan accordingly—and so your scientists can work on their projects over Winter Break! Look for the flyer that went home in your Bulldogs take-home folder, or download the full information packet.
Tell All Your Friends!
There is an upcoming prospective families tour on Friday, January 12 at 8:30 a.m. Be sure and spread the word, as the priority registration deadline is approaching February 6. Share the Brentwood love!
Wrap It Up, Mac!
The MACares committee, in partnership with campus counseling staff, is supporting families in need this holiday season. The program assists all campuses within the MAC vertical team; like Brentwood Elementary, Gullet Elementary, Lamar Middle School, and McCallum High School. There are a few ways to get involved: Become a donor family or business and organize gifts for a family. Or donate to the general fund to help cover last-minute requests. Click here for more information!
Budding Artists
Thanks to all of our talented Bulldogs who submitted their creations to the Reflections art program this year. Be sure to check out their incredible work in the art room display cases starting in January. Congratulations to the following students, who will advance to the regional level for truly capturing the theme, “I Am Hopeful Because…” both in their artist statement and in their creative piece.
Visual Arts
Ella Houston
Vivian Abt
Film Production
Juliet Morton-Cheatham
Dance Choreography
Saige Gavin
As we begin to see 2023 in the rearview mirror, it's time to look ahead for new opportunities to broaden our students' horizons, a.k.a., after-school care. Click here for a full listing of all after-school offerings at Brentwood.
The Overflowing Lost and Found
Pick up your missing jackets, water bottles, lunch boxes, and more, from the Lost and Found rack. Where is this infamous rack, you ask? Find it in the Community Room, which is always available to access in the mornings or afternoons. Or check out the Lost and Found page on the PTA website for recent pictures of lost and forlorn items. Please note that everything will be donated to families in need in January!
End-of-the-Year Events
December 13:
~Author Visit with Ann Wynter (Grades 2-3)
~4th and 5th grade Winter Performance (6pm @ Brentwood Auditorium)
December 14:
1st-5th Grade Spelling Bee
December 15:
Author Visit with Robyn McGrath (Grade 5)
December 19:
~Science Fair Registration Deadline
~Classroom Winter Holiday Celebrations
December 20:
Last day before Winter Break
December 21, 2023-January 8, 2024:
Winter Break
As always, remember to subscribe to our new Brentwood Elementary Google Calendar to stay up-to-date on upcoming school events, holidays, and PTA activities.
Bulldog Fund Donations
As you may—or may not—know, Brentwood PTA runs an annual, one-time per year, no-hassle fundraiser we call the Bulldog Fund. The monies collected in fund are used for vital programming like literacy and math software, library books, music, art, and more! Donate HERE.
Get Published
Have a program, event, or volunteer need that you want published in the Bulldog Bark, PTA website or social channels? Email communications@brentwoodpta.com.